Spotlights Friday Sale/ Bracelet Ring Set
Spotlights Friday Sale/ Bracelet Ring Set
Please leave ring size in box at check out. Regular price $85 Sale today only! Welcome to Spotlight Friday where we take time to highlight one of @chokeahbead beautifully crafted item or items!! Today’s spotlight goes to our copper beaded chain link bracelet that would be nothing without our stack chakra ring!! Today only we will have a sale on this set!! Bracelet and ring!! Message me today for your or visit our website! Sale ends at midnight! 🙌🏽🙌🏽 #chakraseries #freedom #light #peace #goodvibesonly #energyhealing #hippiestyle #crystallovers #locs #light #handmadejewelry #rootchakra #sacralchakra #heartchakra #crownchakra #chakraenergy #tigerseyestone #plants #suculents #growth #copperbeads #copperjewelry #coppertherapy #crystalhealing #crystallovers #crystallove #amethystcrystal #tigerseye